Choosing a venue becomes even more complicated the moment you realize that an event space isn’t just a place for people to sit while someone talks on stage. It isn’t just locale to dine or share some drinks. The venue is a major part of the experience.
Unfortunately, predictable locations are big contributors to the overall “sameness” of events and can lead to declining attendance and results. Let’s face it, once attendees
arrive at a venue, most meeting rooms and ballrooms are basically alike. But what would happen if you built in some surprises and did the unexpected? What would happen if you broke the mold and knew how to design fresh, unconventional events? A Series of Unconventional Events – Six Ideas You Can Steal
1. Parking Lots
There is always a parking lot near the biggest, most expensive venues. Park food trucks in a circle to define the area. Put a live band in the middle and you have a party. Add tents and you can handle even more people.
2. Parking Garages
The top level of most metro parking garages is open and often has the best view of the skyline. Take the same ideas you could use for a parking lot and do them on the top. An added bonus is attendees can park below.
3. Hot Nightclubs in the Daytime
Most of the hottest nightclubs sit empty during the day. All the lighting, sound and food facilities are there – plus loads of ambience. Hey, if people are going to be stuck sitting in stack chairs, at least give them an exciting locale.
4. Airport Tarmacs & Hangars
If you want to launch a product, program or division, forget a ballroom – use an airport tarmac. Many small, suburban or commuter airports close at dusk. So you can stage the event right next to the runway. Define the environment with planes. Then use an inflatable screen for the media projections. Now you have the setting for a real launch. For some extra excitement, contact a local, radio-controlled airplane club and you can have your own miniature air show. All you have to do is dress the key presenters in flight jackets and your event is going to take off! If weather is a concern, you can do the same event in a hangar.
5. Art Galleries Are Good – Art Schools Are Better
In galleries, the art is static – finished and on the wall. But art schools are dynamic –active – works in progress. In this venue, put your meeting’s key content points on
canvasses and let the audience physically move from idea to idea.
6. Urban Graffiti Party
This works wonderfully in vacant buildings, warehouses or converted spaces. Ask local graffiti artists to decorate some of the walls with the theme, company name, product, etc., to define the space and the character of the meeting. Then the attendees can try their own hands at urban art as they paint on the rest of the walls. Have your graffiti artists nearby to start each wall and then invite people to have fun finishing them. At the end of the event, photograph everything.